INTERLACE is a project to strengthen urban ecosystem restoration in the European Union and Latin America



Small and medium sized cities in Europe and Latin America share a common challenge in implementing nature-based solutions (NBS). Most land is in private hands. In addition smaller cities are not early adopters of NBS and may be too small to grow a market for private providers of NBS. This begs the question: how can municipalities and the public sector more widely enable NBS in the private sector? This report begins to answer this question, targeting public sector policy and planners wanting to enable policies for private sector participation in providing NBS.

Title D3.6

This INTERLACE project deliverable presents the tailor-made assessments systems for restorative nature-based solutions (NBS) resulting from the implementation of the INTERLACE Pilot Assessment Framework in the six INTERLACE cities: Metropolia Krakovska, el Corredor Biológico Interurbano María Aguilar (CBIMA), Granollers, Portoviejo, Envigado and Chemnitz. The development of tailored assessment systems has gone through an AGILE development process.

Title D3.3

Nature-based solutions offer a powerful approach to help cities combat challenges such as urban sprawl, climate change, and pollution. By leveraging the regenerative power of nature, these solutions can restore degraded or damaged ecosystems, enhancing resilience against environmental threats and providing multiple benefits to society. Collaborative, action-driven research efforts involving policymakers, practitioners, and communities can facilitate the co-creation of knowledge, ensuring that solutions are grounded in local contexts and aligned with broader sustainability goals.

Rome River

Stakeholder engagement is a central element of the INTERLACE project as it aims to co-produce tools, governance instruments and other project deliverables with local stakeholders, as well as facilitate knowledge exchange between local, regional and global stakeholders, to inform and support the restoration and rehabilitation of (peri)urban ecosystems through Nature-based Solutions. The purpose of the Stakeholder Engagement Strategy (SES) is to give both theoretical and practical guidance to facilitate sustainable engagement of stakeholders in the INTERLACE project.

INTERLACE Stakeholder Engagement Title

Urban ecosystems and their rural counterparts face mounting challenges from urbanization, ecological loss, and climate change. These issues threaten biodiversity, human well-being, and natural habitats. Despite these challenges, the interconnectedness of rural and urban areas presents opportunities for collaborative development – not least through the implementation of nature-based solutions (NBS).

Photo by Michael Pointner on Unplash
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