UCLG Peer Learning Note on Urban Ecosystem Restoration & Nature-based Solutions

CBIMA walk
UCLG Peer Learning Note on Urban Ecosystem Restoration & Nature-based Solutions

UCLG Learning together with the INTERLACE project published a Peer Learning Note on Urban Ecosystem Restoration & Nature-based Solutions. The Peer Learning note documents the practices and discussions shared between cities and partners during INTERLACE’s consortium meeting and the first in-person “Cities Talk Nature” engagement event, which took place from May 9-13, 2022 in Costa Rica.

This note seeks to share with other cities, local and regional governments, communities and interested organizations discussions and lessons learned during this first face-to-face meeting of the INTERLACE project. It also provides examples from different cities on how to integrate nature in the search for a more inclusive, sustainable and resilient development.

Download the Peer Learning Note in English and Spanish here!




UCLG Learning & INTERLACE (2022). Urban Ecosystem Restoration & Nature-based Solutions. UCLG Peer Learning Note #31. Available at: https://learning.uclg.org/peer_learning_notes/pln-31/